Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024: An Unforgettable Summer Celebration of Cherry Delights

Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024: An Unforgettable Summer Celebration of Cherry Delights

In the heart of Michigan, nestled between the shores of Grand Traverse Bay and the rolling hills of the Leelanau Peninsula, lies Traverse City, a charming town renowned for its cherry production and its annual Traverse City Cherry Festival.

In 2024, the Traverse City Cherry Festival marks its 95th anniversary. A week-long extravaganza, the festival holds true to its tradition of celebrating the region’s cherry harvest, paying tribute to the local farmers’ hard work and the unique cherry varieties that thrive in the area’s microclimate.

With its vibrant carnival atmosphere, delicious food, live music, and family-friendly activities, the Traverse City Cherry Festival is an event that captivates the hearts of visitors from all walks of life. Join us on this delightful journey as we explore the highlights of this cherry-tastic festival.

Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024

A week-long celebration of cherries, music, and fun.

  • 95th anniversary
  • Cherry tasting
  • Live music
  • Carnival rides
  • Food vendors
  • Family activities
  • Cherry pie contest
  • Fireworks

The festival is a great way to experience the best of Traverse City and the surrounding region.

95th anniversary

The Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 marks a significant milestone as it celebrates its 95th anniversary. Since its humble beginnings in 1929, the festival has grown into a beloved tradition that attracts visitors from far and wide.

To commemorate this special occasion, the festival organizers have planned a grand celebration filled with new and exciting events. One of the highlights will be a historical exhibit showcasing the festival’s journey over the past 95 years. Visitors can delve into the festival’s rich history, learn about its founders, and discover how it has evolved over the decades.

Another special event planned for the anniversary celebration is a concert featuring renowned cherry-themed musicians. Attendees can enjoy an evening filled with music that captures the essence of the cherry harvest and the festival’s joyous spirit.

Additionally, there will be a special anniversary-themed cherry pie contest, inviting bakers from across the region to showcase their culinary skills and compete for the title of “Best Cherry Pie in Town.”

The 95th anniversary celebration of the Traverse City Cherry Festival promises to be a memorable event, honoring the festival’s legacy while creating new memories for generations to come.

Cherry tasting

No visit to the Traverse City Cherry Festival is complete without indulging in the delectable cherry tasting experience.

  • Fresh cherry sampling:

    Visitors can savor the sweetness of freshly picked cherries, handpicked from the region’s orchards. With over 30 cherry varieties grown in the area, there’s a flavor profile to suit every palate.

  • Cherry pie contest:

    The festival’s renowned cherry pie contest draws bakers from across the region, all vying for the title of “Best Cherry Pie in Town.” Attendees can sample these delectable pies and vote for their favorites.

  • Cherry salsa and BBQ sauce:

    For those who enjoy savory treats, the festival offers cherry salsa and cherry BBQ sauce tasting. These unique creations showcase the versatility of cherries, adding a delightful tang to various dishes.

  • Cherry wine and beer:

    Local wineries and breweries participate in the festival, offering cherry-infused wines and beers. These beverages are a perfect complement to the festival’s cherry-themed cuisine.

The cherry tasting experience at the Traverse City Cherry Festival is a true celebration of the region’s cherry heritage, offering a wide range of flavors and culinary delights.

Live music

The Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 will feature a stellar lineup of live music performances, catering to diverse musical tastes and creating a vibrant atmosphere throughout the festival grounds.

  • Main stage concerts:

    The festival’s main stage will host headline acts, ranging from chart-topping pop artists to legendary rock bands. These evening concerts are a highlight of the festival, drawing large crowds and creating an unforgettable live music experience.

  • Acoustic performances:

    Throughout the festival grounds, visitors can enjoy intimate acoustic performances by local and regional musicians. These performances provide a relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere, perfect for taking a break from the hustle and bustle of the festival and immersing oneself in the music.

  • Street musicians:

    Strolling through the festival grounds, attendees may encounter talented street musicians showcasing their skills. These impromptu performances add a lively and spontaneous element to the festival, creating a sense of community and shared musical appreciation.

  • Cherry-themed music:

    In keeping with the festival’s cherry theme, there will be special performances by musicians who specialize in cherry-inspired songs. These unique and lighthearted performances are sure to entertain and amuse festivalgoers.

With its diverse lineup of live music, the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 promises to offer a musical journey that complements the festival’s cherry-centric celebration.

Carnival rides

The Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 promises an exhilarating carnival experience, featuring a wide range of rides and attractions for thrill-seekers of all ages.

Adrenaline junkies can soar high on the Ferris wheel, offering breathtaking views of the festival grounds and the surrounding cityscape. The Tilt-A-Whirl and Scrambler provide classic carnival thrills, with their spinning and twisting motions sure to elicit squeals of delight.

For those who prefer a more gentle ride, there are plenty of options to choose from. The carousel is a timeless favorite, taking riders on a whimsical journey through a magical world. The train ride offers a leisurely tour of the festival grounds, allowing visitors to soak in the sights and sounds of the celebration.

Children of all ages will find plenty of rides designed specifically for them. From the colorful and enchanting kiddie rides to the more adventurous bumper cars, there’s something for every young adventurer. And for those who need a break from the rides, there are carnival games and prize booths where they can test their skills and win fun prizes.

The carnival rides at the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 are an integral part of the festival experience, providing hours of fun and excitement for visitors of all ages.

Whether you’re seeking heart-pounding thrills or a more relaxed ride, the carnival at the Traverse City Cherry Festival has something for everyone.

Food vendors

The Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 will tantalize taste buds with a diverse array of food vendors, offering culinary delights that cater to every palate and preference.

  • Cherry-inspired cuisine:

    In keeping with the festival’s theme, there will be an abundance of cherry-infused dishes to savor. From savory cherry BBQ ribs to sweet cherry pie, the festival’s food vendors will showcase the versatility and deliciousness of this iconic fruit.

  • Local specialties:

    Visitors can indulge in a variety of local specialties, highlighting the region’s culinary heritage. Freshly caught fish from the nearby lakes, succulent smoked meats, and delectable baked goods are just a few of the regional delicacies that will be available.

  • International flavors:

    The festival also welcomes food vendors from around the world, offering a global gastronomic journey. From authentic Italian pasta to flavorful Asian stir-fries, there’s something for every international cuisine enthusiast to enjoy.

  • Vegetarian and vegan options:

    Those with dietary restrictions will be delighted to find a wide selection of vegetarian and vegan dishes at the festival. From veggie burgers and wraps to plant-based tacos and salads, there are plenty of options to satisfy every craving.

With its diverse range of food vendors, the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 promises a culinary adventure that complements the festival’s vibrant atmosphere and cherry-centric celebration.

Family activities

The Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 is a family-friendly event, offering a wide range of activities and attractions designed to entertain and engage children of all ages.

One of the highlights for kids is the Cherry Pit Spitting Contest, where they can compete to see who can spit a cherry pit the farthest. There’s also a Kids’ Zone filled with inflatables, face painting, and other fun activities. And for the more creative ones, there are arts and crafts workshops where they can make their own cherry-themed souvenirs.

Older children and teenagers can enjoy the festival’s many interactive exhibits, where they can learn about the cherry industry, the region’s history, and the science behind cherry production. There are also educational programs and workshops that teach kids about environmental conservation and sustainability.

And of course, no family visit to the Traverse City Cherry Festival would be complete without indulging in the delicious cherry-themed treats. From cherry pie eating contests to cherry ice cream sundaes, there are plenty of sweet treats to satisfy every craving.

With its wide range of family-friendly activities, the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 promises a fun and memorable experience for families of all ages.

So gather your family and head to Traverse City for a cherry-filled adventure that will create lasting memories.

Cherry pie contest

The Cherry Pie Contest is a beloved tradition at the Traverse City Cherry Festival, attracting bakers from across the region who compete for the title of “Best Cherry Pie in Town.” This year, the contest promises to be more exciting than ever, with a panel of expert judges evaluating the pies based on their taste, appearance, and crust quality.

To ensure fairness and variety, the contest is divided into several categories, including Traditional Cherry Pie, Creative Cherry Pie, and Junior Cherry Pie (for bakers under the age of 18). Each category has its own set of criteria, allowing bakers to showcase their unique skills and creativity.

The competition is fierce, as bakers bring their best cherry pie recipes to the festival. They use a variety of cherries, from sweet to tart, and incorporate different ingredients to create unique flavor combinations. Some bakers stick to traditional recipes, while others experiment with innovative fillings and crusts.

The Cherry Pie Contest is a crowd favorite, as attendees flock to the festival grounds to watch the judging and sample the delicious pies. Visitors can also cast their votes for their favorite pie in the People’s Choice category, adding an extra layer of excitement to the competition.

Whether you’re a seasoned baker or simply a cherry pie enthusiast, the Cherry Pie Contest at the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 is an event you won’t want to miss.


The Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 will culminate in a spectacular fireworks display that will light up the sky over Grand Traverse Bay.

  • Grand finale:

    The fireworks show is the grand finale of the festival, marking the end of a week-long celebration. It is a dazzling display of colors and patterns, synchronized to music, that leaves attendees in awe.

  • Best viewing spots:

    There are several great spots from which to watch the fireworks. One popular option is the Open Space Park, which offers a clear view of the bay and the fireworks. Other good viewing spots include the beaches along West Grand Traverse Bay and the lawn of the Grand Traverse Resort and Spa.

  • Family-friendly atmosphere:

    The fireworks show is a family-friendly event, and many families make it a tradition to attend together. The show starts relatively late in the evening, giving families time to enjoy the festival’s other activities before settling down to watch the fireworks.

  • Safety precautions:

    The festival organizers take safety precautions to ensure that the fireworks show is safe for attendees. The fireworks are launched from a barge in the bay, a safe distance from the crowd. Additionally, there are security personnel on hand to monitor the area and ensure that everyone is safe.

The fireworks show at the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 is a fitting end to a week-long celebration of cherries, music, and community. It is a spectacular event that leaves a lasting impression on attendees of all ages.


Have questions about the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you plan your visit:

Question 1: When is the festival?
Answer: The festival will take place from July 8th to 16th, 2024.

Question 2: Where is the festival held?
Answer: The festival is held in Traverse City, Michigan, primarily at the Grand Traverse Commons and the Open Space Park.

Question 3: How much does it cost to attend?
Answer: Admission to the festival is free. However, some activities and events, such as the cherry pie contest and the carnival rides, may require a small fee.

Question 4: What are the festival’s highlights?
Answer: The festival offers a wide range of activities, including cherry tastings, live music, carnival rides, family-friendly activities, and a fireworks display.

Question 5: What are the festival’s hours of operation?
Answer: The festival is generally open from 11 am to 10 pm on weekdays and 10 am to 11 pm on weekends.

Question 6: How can I get more information about the festival?
Answer: You can visit the festival’s official website, follow their social media pages, or contact the Traverse City Cherry Festival office for more information.

Question 7: Are there any special events or activities planned for the festival’s 95th anniversary?
Answer: Yes, the festival will feature a historical exhibit, a concert featuring cherry-themed musicians, and a special anniversary-themed cherry pie contest.

Closing Paragraph for FAQ

We hope this FAQ section has answered your questions about the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024. For more detailed information, please visit the festival’s official website.

In addition to the FAQ, here are some tips to make the most of your visit to the festival:


Here are some practical tips to make your visit to the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 even more enjoyable:

Tip 1: Plan your visit in advance:
Familiarize yourself with the festival’s schedule of events and activities so you can plan your visit accordingly. Make a list of the must-see attractions and prioritize them to avoid missing out on your favorites.

Tip 2: Arrive early to beat the crowds:
The festival attracts a large number of visitors, especially on weekends. If you want to avoid long lines and crowds, arrive early in the day. This will give you more time to explore the festival grounds and enjoy the activities without feeling rushed.

Tip 3: Wear comfortable shoes:
You’ll be doing a lot of walking during your visit to the festival. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes that will support your feet. You don’t want to end up with sore feet and blisters that will ruin your festival experience.

Tip 4: Stay hydrated and protect yourself from the sun:
Michigan summers can be hot and humid. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. Also, remember to apply sunscreen and wear a hat to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays.

Tip 5: Take advantage of the free activities:
The Traverse City Cherry Festival offers a wide range of free activities, including cherry tastings, live music, and family-friendly entertainment. Take advantage of these free offerings to save money and still have a great time.

Closing Paragraph for Tips

By following these tips, you can make the most of your visit to the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 and create lasting memories.

With its 95-year history, the Traverse City Cherry Festival is a beloved tradition that celebrates the region’s cherry industry and offers a fun-filled experience for visitors of all ages. Whether you’re a cherry enthusiast, a music lover, or simply looking for a family-friendly event, the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 is sure to have something for you.


The Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 promises to be an unforgettable celebration of cherries, music, and community. With its 95-year history, the festival has become a beloved tradition that attracts visitors from all over the region and beyond.

This year’s festival will feature a wide range of activities and attractions, including cherry tastings, live music, carnival rides, family-friendly activities, and a spectacular fireworks display. There will also be special events and activities to commemorate the festival’s 95th anniversary.

Whether you’re a cherry enthusiast, a music lover, or simply looking for a fun-filled family event, the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024 is sure to have something for you. So mark your calendars and plan to join us for a week of cherry-licious fun in Traverse City.

Closing Message

We look forward to welcoming you to the Traverse City Cherry Festival 2024! Get ready for a week of cherry-themed merriments, musical extravaganzas, and family-friendly entertainment. Create lasting memories as you immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this cherished festival.

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